Run on passion.

At Alpha Shows, we pour our heart, soul, and passion into every production. Each touring season is meticulously crafted by a local creative team of theatre and educational professionals, ensuring that our performances are not only entertaining but also profoundly impactful. Written, directed, produced, and curated entirely in Australia, our shows are a testament to the rich cultural heritage and innovative spirit of our nation.

Our vision extends beyond entertainment; we strive to create transformative experiences that inspire and educate. Through the power of storytelling, music, and performance, we aim to instill valuable life lessons and foster emotional growth in our young audiences. Our commitment to excellence drives us to continually evolve, bringing fresh and relevant content to schools and communities across Australia.

We believe in the magic of theatre as a catalyst for change, sparking joy, empathy, and understanding in the hearts of children. Every detail, from the scripts and costumes to the sets and special effects, is designed to create a memorable and enriching experience. By integrating elements of social and emotional learning, we ensure that our shows resonate deeply and leave a lasting impact.

At Alpha Shows, we are more than just performers; we are educators, mentors, and visionaries dedicated to making a difference. Join us on this journey as we continue to push the boundaries of children’s theatre, delivering exceptional performances that entertain, educate, and inspire.

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Small business

Alpha Shows epitomizes the spirit and resilience of a small company. Operating from a customized, state-of-the-art warehouse in Altona North, just west of the Melbourne CBD, we maximize every resource to its fullest potential. Our strategic location allows us to efficiently manage our operations while remaining closely connected to the vibrant cultural hub of Melbourne.

Every resource, fund, and income generated is meticulously reinvested into the company, ensuring continual improvement and growth. This commitment to reinvestment allows us to enhance the quality of our productions, invest in cutting-edge technology, and support the professional development of our talented team. Our lean operations and dedicated approach mean that nothing is wasted, and every effort contributes to creating exceptional theatre experiences.

At Alpha Shows, we take pride in our ability to do more with less, proving that a small company can make a big impact. Our passionate team works tirelessly to bring innovative and inspiring performances to life, demonstrating that with dedication and creativity, we can achieve remarkable outcomes.

Completely independent.

Alpha Shows operates with complete independence, free from affiliations with large multinational corporations. This autonomy grants us the creative power and freedom to shape each production precisely to our vision and meet the unique needs of our audiences. Our independence ensures that our artistic integrity remains uncompromised, allowing us to innovate and push the boundaries of children’s theatre.

We proudly operate without support from funding bodies, government councils, or corporate sponsors. Our productions are solely funded through ticket sales, donations, and the revenue generated by our performances. This self-sustaining model allows us to remain true to our mission and vision, creating high-quality, impactful theatre experiences.

Our independence is a testament to the dedication and passion of our team, and the unwavering support of our community. By relying on our own resources, we maintain the flexibility to adapt and grow, continually enhancing the value we provide to schools and communities across Australia. At Alpha Shows, we believe that our independence is our strength, enabling us to deliver authentic, inspiring, and transformative theatre experiences.

Food for the soul.

Experiencing an Alpha Show is an extraordinary event that resonates deeply with audiences of all ages. There is an unmistakable magic that permeates each performance, captivating both children and adults alike. Passionate caregivers often remark on the joy of watching children’s faces light up during the show. Even older children experience a powerful new awakening, developing an appreciation for the humor and positivity embedded in these classic, archetypal stories.

Our story selection process is driven by a profound understanding of the timeless magic each tale holds. We carefully choose stories that touch the heart and evoke a deep emotional response. By infusing these narratives with modern relevance and addressing contemporary emotional challenges, we enhance their impact and resonance with today’s audiences.

Each of our ten productions integrates to form a cohesive message of truth and love. These core values are woven into the fabric of every show, creating a rich tapestry of meaningful, entertaining, and educational experiences. We invite you to explore the core values that underpin each production and see how they contribute to the overall mission of Alpha Shows:

“…we are our own company, and we alone focus on creativity & the messages… we get the job done, and get the best shows we can tour out to Australia” – Ben


Going through the emotional process of releasing error-based beliefs we’ve learned along the way, so that we can truly ‘believe in ourselves’ at the soul level, not just as an intellectual construct. Beauty and the Beast


Making choices based on love and truth, instead of fear, requires going through the doubts and fears emotionally, releasing them, and opening up to your own inate courage and confidence. Sleeping Beauty


Creating true heroes, ones that can step up and serve from a humble place. Once you realise the truth about what a true hero is, you can go out there and make it happen. Learning how to be victorious without fighting. Hercules


Being in harmony with truth has wonderful consequences for our lives. To emotionally understand why truth is so imperative in our personal conduct in life is one of the most powerful learnings we can absorb. Little Mermaid


Our show promoting anti-bullying. Taking responsibility for the painful events of our lives and processing that pain emotionally, leads to a more powerful body and soul, one that naturally is healthy and creates an awesome life. The Hunchback of Notre Dame


What’s the point of doing anything if you don’t feel like you’re worthy of love or not good enough? Allowing the grief to flow through tears opens the heart to feel worthy again, to feel a greater sense of self-worth. Cinderella


Now it’s time to make stuff happen – to make it real. By being humble with their emotions and release the blocks to their desires, children can tap into their creative power, and the power of their emotions and how to use them to get whatever it is they want in life. Aladdin


Emotionally accepting the truth that everyone is equal; not less than, and not better than anyone else. Creating equality on the planet, will lead to love and truth being honoured above all else. King Arthur


Coming into alignment with who we truly are so that we can move past fear, create our destiny and take care of those most important to us. Snow Queen


Finding the true meaning of the Holidays and community. Scrooge

Garage start

Like many great companies driven by passionate people, Alpha Shows literally started in a garage. This humble beginning reflects our entrepreneurial spirit and determination to create something truly special. From those early days, our commitment to innovation and excellence has propelled us forward, transforming Alpha Shows into a renowned provider of enriching and entertaining theatre experiences. Our journey from garage to the stage is a testament to the power of dedication, creativity, and community support.



At Alpha Shows, our mission goes beyond mere performance; it’s about constant growth and improvement. Unlike other children’s theatre or theatre-in-education companies that may divert profits to fund unrelated passions, Alpha is run with a singular focus. Every profit we earn is reinvested back into the company to enhance the quality of our productions, innovate new methods, and ensure the continuous professional development of our team. This commitment to reinvestment allows us to maintain our high standards, push creative boundaries, and deliver exceptional theatre experiences that resonate deeply with our audiences.



Alpha Shows began in 2002 with a visionary idea to bring real, quality theatre to primary schools. In October of that year, founder Ben realized the importance of early marketing, prompted by a teacher’s advice about the early decision-making timelines of schools. The entire family came together, spending weeks preparing a brochure mailout, with address labels and brochures being stuffed into envelopes. This dedicated effort resulted in about 30 schools taking a chance on Alpha Shows’ very first production, “Beauty and the Beast,” which went on tour in October 2003 after a year of meticulous planning.

The success of the first show was evident when virtually all these schools rebooked for Alpha’s second production, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” in August 2004. Instead of retiring “Beauty and the Beast,” it continued to tour, with three separate tours in 2004, including a notable performance at the Fun4Kids festival in Warrnambool.

Adding a new show each year kept the team busy with both performing and the substantial work required to produce new productions. Over time, older shows like “Beauty and the Beast” and “Hunchback” were revamped, evolving from their original pantomime-inspired versions into sophisticated, engaging performances with deep scripts and characters, layered humor, and powerful emotional scenes.

In 2009, “Beauty and the Beast” was completely overhauled and presented as a ‘new’ show in 2010, marking Alpha’s first year without producing a new title. This was followed by the creation of “The Little Mermaid” in 2011,  “Scrooge” in 2016, and the ambitious “The Snow Queen” in 2017.

In 2022, Alpha Shows entered its ‘third era’ as the team who had been running and touring the company since 2011 left to pursue other opportunities, although they remained involved in stage combat training and administration. Ben resumed full-time leadership, revolutionizing scripts, technology, sets, lighting, and sound to enhance quality, efficiency, and impact. Every show since has been updated with deeper characters, more impactful storylines, and a refreshing of all production aspects.

As Alpha Shows embarks on its third decade of touring, the company is poised for unprecedented expansion and growth, continuing its legacy of delivering transformative and engaging theatre experiences.

Continual growth in consciousness.

At Alpha Shows, our journey is one of constant learning and evolution. As we deepen our understanding of emotions, psychological techniques, and the principles of a fulfilling life, we eagerly incorporate these insights into our productions. This commitment to continual growth has allowed us to develop a solid track record of positively impacting over 1 million children across Australia. Many of these children have shared their transformative experiences with us, and some have even returned as adults to join our team.

The core messages of our shows—love, truth, and humility—serve as the foundation for joy and peace in life. These themes are now clearer and more powerful than ever. We are passionate about using our performances as an imaginative and impactful medium to communicate these ideas, helping Australians seek truth and strive for a better world. Through our shows, emotional expression, and teaching fundamentals of how to create empowered physiology, focus and states we aim to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who are looking for a deeper understanding and a more fulfilling existence.

Whilst we tour the same shows every year, no year is the same as the previous year. Every time we update the script and other elements, sometimes doing a complete rehaul of everything when we figure out a better way – Ben

©2024 Alpha Shows Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

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