Hey I’m Back! I’m sorry i accidentally forgot a question..
Who Did your Make Up?
And hey Lockey I really Like you Being The Funny Characters On The Little Mermaid! 😀
And One More Question For India
How Long Did it take to sing you That Good! i Love it :3
Bye From Mercedes (again)
Hey Mercedes!
All of the girls do their own makeup. My Natalia makeup takes me about half an hour to do because I glue my eyebrows down and I have to wait for the glue to dry.
Lachie says “Thanks, I really like that you find me funny. You rock!”
And India has been doing singing lessons since she was in primary school. But lessons aren’t always necessary, all you have to do to be great at singing is to feel through any bad feelings you might have around singing or thinking that you may not be good enough. Everyone can be an amazing singer, it’s only their own feelings that might get in the way!
Thanks for your awesome questions Mercedes 🙂